December 12, 2022

“Nature positive” is a powerfully simple and compelling concept. It’s about restoring and regenerating species and ecosystems, as opposed to contributing to their decline through extraction, destruction, and pollution. It’s about making our planet more resilient and tackling our twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, which are inextricably linked.  

But in practice, it is complicated. Businesses and organizations looking to make an impact on the nature-positive agenda may find it challenging to make sense of the emerging landscape of initiatives, frameworks, and standards that have emerged.   

Delphi and Manulife are making it simple with the launch of our practical guide to the nature-positive ecosystem. The guide is a one-stop-shop for all things nature positive and plugs you into the global dialogue. It includes: 

  • The first-ever nature-positive ecosystem map. The map streamlines resources from over 30 institutions and highlights major policy frameworks and private sector initiatives. For an interactive version of the map, visit the website here. 
  • The global nature-positive agenda and examples of public and private sector action. 
  • Information on how to measure your impacts and dependencies, how to set nature-positive goals, what best practice looks like, and how you can communicate about your nature-positive goals to key stakeholder groups. 

The Nature-Positive Ecosystem Guide and map are the product of months of research and analysis. We are happy to share it with you so that, together, we can transform our economy and society for a nature-positive world. 




Interested in more information on how The Delphi Group can help you meet your corporate sustainability, net-zero, and ESG goals?

Contact Dave Photiadis, Senior Director at The Delphi Group, at

Access our guide to learn everything you need to know about nature, the newest sustainability frontier